Atlas Tango Project

Northeast Tour CANCELLED

Posted by on Sep 1, 2021

It pains us to write this, but we have decided to cancel our run of shows in the Northeast we had planned for September.

We’ve been watching the news very closely for a while … watching the numbers go up and up all over the place. Unfortunately, we’ve made the very difficult decision that now is simply not the time for us to be touring. We have two daughters under the age of three years in the band, and considering the amount of potential exposure we’ll be facing with travel (three of us from Texas) and all the indoor performances we are scheduled to play, we just can’t justify the risks of exposure – to us as performers or to patrons as listeners. Despite all of us being fully vaccinated, one of our members did test positive recently – so we’re all too aware about breakout infections (he has since recovered).

We don’t take this decision lightly and hope that we can get out on the road again when it becomes safe, for everyone, to do so. We absolutely wish this wasn’t the case, but feel it’s the right thing to do at the moment.

Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to seeing you all at a show before too long!

P.S. – One silver lining is that we do have a new album in hand now and will be sending out info on how to download and purchase CDs very soon!!